SkyDrive Presentation at HHI Computer Club

HHI Computer Club, SkyDrive Talk, September 24, 2012
Wes Taylor, Lynn Dye, Jolyn Bowler

The Hilton Head Island Computer Club is an energetic, vibrant group of island people who are a savvy, geeky bunch of folks who enjoy adding to their computer knowledge by attending SIGs (Special Interest Groups) and other regular meetings.

I had the pleasure of speaking to this group this week about Microsoft’s updated SkyDrive. In my new, very cool position as SkyDrive Ambassador, I’m excited to spread the word about the benefits the consumer and business person can enjoy with SkyDrive.

Here’s a link to my presentation over at my Slideshare account.
We went over:
  • installing the new app for Windows, Android, Mac & mobile devices that puts an icon in your system tray and a SkyDrive folder on your hard drive for local storage of documents, pictures, etc.
  • Accessing your documents from any connected computer.
  • Saving your documents directly to your local SkyDrive folder SkyDrive_rgb_Whtand  it automatically syncing to the folder in the cloud.
  • Use it as a safe, secure backup (7 GB free storage)
  • No longer email your photos! Get a link to send to families and friends and they can instantly view your photos in a slideshow online.
  • Collaboration – work on Excel, PowerPoint, Excel or OneNote documents in real time.
  • Free use of Microsoft Web Apps – really free, you don’t have to have Office on your computer to be able to use Web Apps.
  • Fetch feature. If you have multiple computers, put the app on each computer and you’ll have the ability to access that computer’s hard drive for any document.

Most of all, it was a great time being in the company of fellow computer enthusiasts. If I lived here, I’d definitely be a member of the group. Check out their website and sign up for their monthly 25+ page newsletters chock full of great tips.

It was a great time on the island. September is a wonderful time of year to visit – fewer crowds and cooler weather. Here’s a shot of my wheaten, Sophie and me enjoying a morning at the beach.

Lynn Dye & Sophie on the beach

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