This week has flown by in some ways and crawled by in others. I’m taking a break this week from reviewing or writing about software and gadgets because I’ve been keeping up with more things than usual this week. So I’ve decided to write a bit about what’s been going on.
- I finished up a website for a client, presented it to them and now I’m completing the documentation (written and video), so they will be able to update their WordPress website on their own. I believe every business – no matter how big or small needs an on-line presence – preferably multiple presences such as a website, a Facebook page, LinkedIn, Twitter – the major ones anyway.
- Along with finishing the website, I used this great plugin from iThemes called BackupBuddy to move my site from my test site to the client’s hosting site. I’d used it just once before and had someone walk me through it. This time, I wanted to do it on my own and I did it! It took awhile to go through each step since I hadn’t done it for awhile, but with some good tutorials and a great video I found, it all worked!
My 'new' iMac-you can see the reflection of my Windows monitor! - I’d been working after hours on a project getting some computers ready to be donated to a non-profit for a client. Some of the computers were Macs and since I’ve never owned one, I asked my client if I could exchange my fee for one of the Macs and she said ‘yes’! After I asked, I thought, ‘do I really want to do this? Maybe I’d be better off taking the money.’ But then I decided to go ahead and take it. I brought it up to my office yesterday and plugged it in and did a bit of personalization. Almost anything I want to do I have to ‘Bing it’ as it’s just not intuitive for this Microsoft person.
- Started on another website for a client with a due date of early April. It’s always exciting starting a new project and trying to make it the best I can and come up with creative ways to display their text and pictures.
- I’m taking calls all this week for a client who is on vacation, so I never know what each day will bring and how I might need to shift and adjust my schedule to cover for him and make sure his clients are happy.
- Today I started working on moving some domains over to I set up an account last year with them, but ended up transferring some domains somewhere else. In the meantime, I kept hearing all these great things about Hover and what great support and customer service they have, so I decided to call (and I never call-always do things on-line). To my great shock, someone answered the phone – no phone tree! Wow. I had a very cordial and informative conversation with the rep and there was no pressure or anything else. I’m going to call them to help get some email services set up before initiating a transfer with this particular registrar because they pointed out on their website that they will disable email, DNS services and a few other things when a transfer is initiated – yikes!
- Another interest of mine is Pinterest. I asked for and received an invite a couple of weeks ago, but really haven’t spent much time with it yet. I’ve been reading about its history though. Just found this article by Denise Wakeman about using Pinterest to boost visibility to blogs/websites, so I’ll check that out.
It’s nice to take a break and just write about what’s been happening – how about your week? Leave a comment.