Time to reflect on 2011 as it relates to my business and blog. I’ve been blogging weekly since May of 2007 on technology, organization, gadgets and how-tos. My goal in doing this is to bring readers to my site who are computer enthusiasts, small business owners or entrepreneurs. Once they are here, they do like to visit my Home Page (as you can see below, it’s the 2nd most visited page on my site. A secondary goal is to keep myself up to date with new software and gadgets coming out. To do this, I’m an avid tech pod/netcast listener. I also subscribe to various tech blogs and troll those headlines for interesting tidbits. Thirdly, a blog is a great way to drive traffic to your website—as long as it’s updated frequently with great, relevant content. I’ve gained one client because of my blog – he contacted me out of the blue one day. That was pretty cool.
Each year I like to publish the top 10 articles most read on my blog – so below are the top 10 and the number of views they had. Number one has always been how to sync your Windows Calendar with Google Calendar & Outlook. In fact, it’s number one every day! That means there are a lot of people out there who are trying to get their calendars and thus their lives organized by using technology. Syncing calendars seems to get a bit easier each year with Microsoft, Google and Apple trying to play a bit nicer with each other – at least in calendaring.
As we all get ready for 2012, take time to do a bit of planning and goal setting. Once you’ve set your goals, then you’ll need a plan to accomplish them. Just saying, ‘I’d like to get 2 more ideal clients and refresh my website” doesn’t mean it’ll get done. Write down a time to start and finish and then write down the weekly steps to attain them.
Thanks for being a reader, or if this is your first time here, I hope you’ll look around a bit.