My last blog post was April 21st – so it’s been 3 weeks since I blogged because of a lot going on. This time it wasn’t because my site was hacked or anything like that. This time it was because of a whirlwind of activity surrounding selling our home of 15 years and buying another house just a mile south of us. We actually moved in a week ago. We are somewhat roughing it because the kitchen is gutted and the master bed/bath is also being reconstructed. We did get our wood floor in the living room so we could put our furniture on it and not have to move it out and in again.
Our house sold in 2 days complete with a bidding war! We ended up a little over our asking price and few concessions to the seller, which made us very happy, but also became very stressful as we had to move much sooner than we thought. We thought there would be plenty of time to get our new house updated and finalized—but things often turn out differently than planned, don’t they? Everyone says packing and moving is no fun and they are right! Even though I’d been paring our possessions for years, it was amazing the things I pulled out of cupboards and closets – the ones I didn’t go through! But after 5-6 carloads to local charities, giving some furniture to our local Christian Service Center and some to my daughter and her husband, there was still a lot to pack up! We did a big down-sizing and now have no stairs and no pool, but we gained a park-like back yard and an acre that is lovely and private. Many of our neighbors have dropped by to meet and welcome us. We feel very at-home here.

The last 3-4 weeks have been incredibly busy and stressful and my weekly blogging was the casualty . It was all I could do to take care of my clients while packing and helping to orchestrate the subs coming to both houses to work on them. But now I’m ready to get on my weekly schedule again.
I just sent out my monthly newsletter today and would invite you to sign up! In it, you’ll get an article each month that you’ll only find in the newsletter. This month I talked about just-in-time learning and how many of us get caught in the trap of constant learning and not much actual doing. I have tips each month on tips, shortcuts and timesavers usually focusing on Microsoft Office – and in particular Office 365. I feature my best blog article from the previous month and pass along cool gadgets or tools I’ve come across.