In this post, we’ll talk about how easy it is to create a functional, CSS and HTML validated website using Artisteer. Perhaps you’ve been thinking of starting a blog or website, but you don’t know any HTML code and don’t want to learn it. Perhaps you’ve heard about WordPress or Blogger, but feel intimidated about picking out a theme and making it look professional, pretty, or creating your own brand. You can even use Artisteer to create a website without using Joomla, Blogger, etc.
Artisteer is software that takes the guesswork out of coordinating colors, type styles and layouts. Even if you have zero design skills and no eye for color, Artisteer takes over and simply gives you choice after choice of amazing layouts, colors and art to make your website look pulled together.
Artisteer works with all the above software—it doesn’t replace having to install whichever platform you choose. WordPress, for example, must be installed (the self-hosted version of WordPress). Then begin filling out your content using the WordPress back end. Think of Artisteer as your template. After it’s created, you upload it (instructions are included) and your newly created theme is applied to your site.
Let’s Get Started
Artisteer has a great try it before you buy it program. Download,install and use the program for free – then view your finished template. That’s what it’ll look like on-line. You can choose to upload your theme to your site to see what it’ll look like, but it will have a draft watermark across it. Purchasing the software will make the watermark go away. Cost is $50 for the Home & Academic version or $150 for the Standard Version. There is a yearly support fee.
I could write paragraphs about all the choices you’ll have when using Artisteer – instead take about ten minutes to watch the below video
So Many Choices
Where to start with all the choices. Let’s start with our header. Click the tab for header and you can have Artisteer suggest different colors, styles and layouts complete with eye-catching gradients, supplied photos or use a photo of your own. Once you have your components in the header, then you can experiment with moving things around, cropping the image, etc. See what I mean?? Almost endless choices and combinations.
In fact, the only downside to Artisteer is that there are so many choices that you could spend all day clicking the next button to look at design choice after design choice.I’ve used the demo version on my local machine and I’ve spent waaayy too much time tweaking.
The menus and controls on Artisteer are quite a bit like the Microsoft Office interface, so it’ll probably be easy for most to use.
Thanks to David North for inspiring this week’s blog topic. David is the author of North Ideas (you do need to start blogging again, David). He’s also the organizer of the WordPress Oklahoma City Meetup Group. He spoke just last month on how he uses Artisteer to make quick websites for friends – usually friends with non-profits or worthwhile projects. We meet the last Monday of each month. Anyone is welcome to attend.